
Klubík funguje už více než šest let. Zpočátku všichni lektoři fungovali jako dobrovolníci. Manažer ubytovny po vzájemné dohodě s lektory poskytl prostory v jedné z bytových jednotek, aby mohly v klubu probíhat aktivity s dětmi. Vedení budovy hlásilo znatelný pokles konfliktů a problémů s dětmi i mezi nimi od doby, kdy Klubík začal fungovat a byli opravdu vděční za to, že klub mohl na ubytovně probíhat dále.
Projekt získal financování od Bader Philanthropies a z těchto financí mohl fungovat až do června 2020. Od té doby pokračoval program v Klubíku s omezenými zdroji a pouze na bázi dobrovolnictví. Také z důvodu omezení souvisejícím s COVID-19, musela být aktivita v klubu nižší a poté došlo ke změnám vedení a náaslednému vystěhování klubovny. Vidíme však stále větší potřebu pokračovat, zvláště kvůli dětem, které bylyna klubu, jeho lektorech a aktivitě závislé a mají velikou touhu a chuť se učit!
From the team:
We began in the Autumn of 2015, when I together with another volunteer saw that a large number of children living in this hostel were spending all day, morning to evening, only inf front or behind the hostel, among questionable characters, among them drunks and addicts, as they have no other option but to spend all their time in this environment. After an agreement with the manager of the hostel, who welcomed our idea positively, we started preparing activities for these children once a week in the so-called lounge inside the hostel. We had almost no finances at our disposal, but the basic tables and chairs were enough for us to tutor, help children with homework, and draw. We also prepared a Christmas party. Even in these cramped conditions the interest was huge, and the children often waited in front of the door a few hours in advance looking forward to us.

After obtaining financial support for the project, we were able to implement the project on a larger scale. Upon agreement with the manager of the hostel, we were given one housing unit, 2 small rooms and a kitchen. We equipped the space together with the children, who felt great excitement at being able to make a club space of their own. When asked what they would like to call their club, they came up with the name “My Na To Mame”. We equipped one room for the smaller children with a soft carpet, toys and space for learning. We equipped the second room for dance and more physical activities. Despite it’s small size, we came up with creative ways to give the children access to strengthening and coordination activities. We use the third room as a kitchen. We added a large table, chairs and smaller tables for drawing and snacking. We equipped all rooms with colorful curtains, pillows and other decorations.
We were also able to supply the club with important materials for activities: drawing supplies, crayons, paints, pastels, drawings, musical and rhythmic instruments (guitar, keyboards, tambourine, drum, cayon, mallets), soccer balls, board games, exercise books and textbooks, and games.
Over the next 4 years, we served dozens of children in the club each year, with the number attending ranging between 15 and 35 children at a time. Most often we held the club 4x a week.
We assisted the children with their homework, and led activities in art, music, games, and outings. We engaged them in movement games and sports. For a year and half the boys had access to a professional boxing coach and a mentor for football. Since December professional Parkour coach Patrik has been training the children to their great delight. Activities such as drawing, creating, playing board games and leisure activities are held after homework and learning sessions. On Fridays, we focus on special activities such as dancing, film screenings, walks and playing outside. Twice a week we also try to prepare something unusual for children,such as motivational programs or special topics and activities., such as MasterChef Hlubina, Klubik Má Talent, Superstar competition and the like.
Twice a year we organize meetings where children show what they have learned and what they like to do. These performances, exhibitions or talent shows are also attended by some of the parents.
Twice a month (more often in the summer) we organize trips for children, for example to the zoo, the swimming pool, or to a film. Very often these are totally new experiences for these kids, as they normally do not have the possibility to access such activities with their parents.